


Welcome to our website designed specifically for students and friends who play and learn at Newburn Leisure Centre.

We are very proud to have built a large cohort of bridge players whose friendships have led to one of the most relaxing bridge groups in the North East of England.
We enjoy seeing each other - and although the skill and expertise within the group may be variable, their
camaraderie and enjoyment of this fascinating game is an example to bridge players everywhere.

Like most bridge clubs since Covid, we are attracting only 50% of our previous table numbers, so if you would like to join our play sessions on Mondays and Thursdays at 1pm, you will be given a warm welcome.

Contact Neil or Inga at
neilaiston5@gmail.com or ingaaiston@hotmail.co.uk
Telephone 0191 413 4224

Use the menu above to see your RESULTS and details from the Monday & Thursday duplicate sessions,

If you need clarification about bidding, play or defence,
ALL of my notes can be found and downloaded on the RESOURCES pages.


Telephone - 0191 - 413 - 4224.................Email - neilaiston5@gmail.com